
(Level 4) After Sales – Services / G452-002-4:2017


This course focuses on studying motor vehicle technology, including fuel systems, electrical systems, transmission systems, clutch and brake repairs, tires, and suspension systems. Students will also be introduced to turbocharged engines and supervisory management skills. The course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the motor vehicle industry and valuable practical skills for the future.


  1. Have a certificate/Passed Level 3(G452-002-3:2018)

Level of Study

  1. G452-002-4:2017 (Level 4) – After Sales Services

Course Duration

  1. 15 Months

Career Opportunity

  • Vehicle mechanic at service centres and workshops. 
  • Becoming a lecturer at the Institute of Higher Skills Education.
  • Becoming a technical advisor related to automotive services.
  • Becoming a workshop entrepreneur.
  • Becoming an automotive sector engineer in car factories