Educational Funding
Every individual has the right to get quality education. STDC offers study funding to those who are qualified and in need.
This scholarship is awarded by both governmental bodies and private entities as full sponsorship for tuition fees to eligible students.

General Eligibility Requirements for IKTISASS Tahfiz Trainee Programme
- Applicants, parents, and guardians must be Malaysian citizens.
- Applicants or their parents must be born and reside in the state of Selangor.
- Applicants must have resided in Selangor for a minimum of 12 years, with verification from the State Assemblyperson (ADUN), Village Head (Penghulu), Village Development and Security Committee (JKKK) Chairman, Housing Estate Chairman, or other authorities recognized by the government.
- Must be a tahfiz student currently or previously enrolled in a tahfiz school or institution recognized by any Malaysian government department or agency and the Selangor State Government; OR
- Passed the Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR) or its equivalent and the 3M test.
- Age must be between 16 and 21 years old.
- Sponsorship preference will be given to B40 and M40 income group families.
- Students/trainees are required to serve with registered businesses/institutions/industries located in Selangor for a specified period based on the agreement.
- Applicants must pass an interview conducted by the Human Resource Management Division, Office of the State Secretary of Selangor (if required).
- Other conditions determined by the IKTISASS Technical Committee and subject to amendments approved by the State Government Council (MMKN).
Requirements for IKTISASS Tahfiz are as follows:
- Must not receive sponsorship or any education loan offers from institutions other than the sponsorship under the Selangor State Technical Skills Program.
- Attendance at lecture sessions with a minimum of 80%. If unable to attend a lecture session, students must provide written proof and a valid reason (such as health issues/accidents) to STDC.
- Must not terminate or prematurely end their studies. If the student intends to prematurely end their studies, they must provide written proof along with strong justification/reasons (such as experiencing health issues/accidents) to STDC.
- Ensure examination results at least achieve a “Pass” grade.
- Maintain good behaviour and not be involved in any disciplinary or criminal issues.
- Notify STDC management if the student has left or no longer resides in the hostel.
- Students are not allowed to change, defer, or leave the offered programme without obtaining permission from BPSM (Skills Development Provider).
- If the student is found to be non-compliant with the above requirements or conceals certain information, the Selangor State Government reserves the right to withdraw sponsorship, and the student is OBLIGED to fully repay the sponsorship to the Selangor State Government.

Requirements for Education Assistance Application under the Asnaf Fakir/Miskin/Muallaf category by the Lembaga Zakat Selangor are as follows:
- The application must be submitted by children of the current year’s Asnaf Fakir/Miskin/Muallaf recognized by Lembaga Zakat Selangor.
- Pursuing studies at local public universities (IPTA) and private universities/colleges (IPTS) that are panel institutions of the Selangor Zakat Board.
- Online registration is required.
- Submission of approval letter for Dermasiswa Pengajian Tinggi (Higher Education Financial Assistance).
- Must be a practising Muslim.
- Malaysian citizen or a permanent resident (PR).
- Born and residing in the state of Selangor, with a minimum of three (3) years of continuous residence in Selangor (except for the Ibnu Sabil category).
- All courses offered at STDC are sponsored.
Education Loan
The recipients of this education loan are required to repay the loan amount as per the imposed conditions.

Requirements for Application of Education Loan from Skills Development Fund Corporation (PTPK)
- Malaysian citizens aged 15 to 45 years old.
- Enrolled in full-time Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) training programs approved by the Corporation.
- Registered and verified by the Department of Skills Development (JPK).
- From a family with a monthly income not exceeding RM5,000.00.
- Not receiving full financial aid from any other government agencies.
- All courses offered at STDC are sponsored.